Living Stones Via de Cristo

What does it Mean to be a Sponsor?

"It is not enough to make a good selection of candidates, but this brings with it the need for giving them the proper, individual, and very special care ... before, during, and after their weekend."

Speak to God about people before speaking to people about God. Pray for the candidates before asking them to a weekend.

Everyone must recognize that they assume certain responsibilities when they sponsor a pilgrim. Some of these responsibilities are listed below and should be checked off as they are accomplished.

Before and during the weekend

Send the pilgrim application(s) to Living Stones Via de Cristo no later than two weeks prior to the start of the weekend. It is preferred that you, the sponsor, send the completed application with a Pastor's signature to Living Stones Via de Cristo rather than leaving it for the applicant to send. APPLICATIONS SHOULD CONTAIN PASTORAL APPROVAL.

  • All Pilgrim and Sponsor information must be completed on the application.
  • The recommended age for a pilgrim is between 21 - 65 due to the nature of the weekend. Consider baptized Christians, reasonably stable and mature, with a desire for God's love and a longing to do God's work in the Church and in the world. Discuss exceptions with the Rector/Rectora.
  • All personal arrangements must be made and all pilgrims confirmed no later than two weeks prior to the weekend.
  • When notified of your pilgrim's acceptance, confirm to the Sponsorship Coordinator that the pilgrim has received a letter of acceptance and plans to attend the weekend. If the pilgrim cannot attend, it is the sponsor's responsibility to notify the Sponsorship Coordinator.
  • Ensure your pilgrim has transportation to and from the weekend site.
  • Ensure that there is a letter from the pilgrim's spouse and family.
  • Write a letter to your pilgrim.
  • Create some general palanca (letters, posters or table palanca) for the weekend.
  • Financially support the cost for your pilgrim by sending a check to: 
                     Living Stones VdC
                     PO Box 658
                     Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0658
           OR:   Pay online (
Sponsor a Pilgrim for $225)
                    (If you are unable to pay the full amount, contact

After the weekend

  • Bring the new cursillista to an Ultreya, Serenade, or Clausura as soon as possible.
  • Invite your Pilgrim to a Reunion Group ... or find one and introduce them into it.
  • Encourage your Pilgrim to serve on the next Team.

The special care and assurance given to the new cursillista will play a major role in assuring the success of his or her Fourth Day adventure. The hand that gives ... gathers!

Email the completed pilgrim application (.pdf format or .doc format) to: Macon Uskurait or

Or mail the completed pilgrim application to:
                        Macon Uskurait
                        100 Brigatine Drive
                        Stephens City, VA 22655

©2024 Living Stones Via de Cristo is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, PO Box 658, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0658

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