Living Stones Via de Cristo

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  • 22 Apr 2022 10:04 AM | Anonymous

    Our very own Debbie Kopitskie serving as Rectora for this co-Ed weekend and Eddie is serving on team. 

    Please consider blessing the pilgrims and the team with prayer.!/showSignUp/60b0e48aaab29abf58-2prayer


    Livingstones VdC Secretariat

  • 22 Apr 2022 9:48 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Heavenly and gracious Father,

     We ask you, from the Livingstones VdC community, for prayers and blessings on the Lighthouse VdC community. Their respective weekends are:

    Men - April 21-24, 2022

    Women - April 28-May1st

  • 22 Mar 2020 1:22 PM | Anonymous

    Pray for Secretariat, the community and our prospective pilgrims for the Fall

  • 21 Mar 2020 11:06 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Community,

    In the best interests of all given the current pandemic and the uncertainty of when conditions will change the Secretariat prayerfully considered and voted to cancel the Spring Weekends.  This decision was considered carefully and with keeping the health and safety of the teams, the pilgrims, and the camp in consideration.  Mark your calendars now for the next Ultreya on May 15th at 5:30 pm at St. Mark's ELCA in Springfield, VA. 

    Dawn Pipkin

    for the Secretariat

  • 09 Nov 2019 7:34 PM | Anonymous

    The count down to our Spring Retreat weekends has begun!  If you are interested in serving on team please contact the Rector George Milcetich for Men's Weekend #69 at . 

    Men's Weekend-April 23-26 2020 Patuxent 4H Center 

    Candy Heinlein is the Rectora for Women's weekend 76 and she can be reached at . 

    Women's Weekend-April 30-May 3 2020 Patuxent 4H Center

    Now is the time to pray about inviting pilgrims and begin to extend those invitations.  Pilgrim applications can be sent any time and are strongly encouraged to be submitted as soon as  two months prior to the weekend.  All pilgrim applications must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to each weekend. 

  • 17 Sep 2018 3:41 PM | Anonymous


    Living Stones Via de Cristo, formerly Rainbow VdC, has a new website address.  The following database fields have recently been added.  Please click on the link above, logon, review your profile and verify or update your information.  If you don't know or never have had a password, click on "Forgot Password" and reset password instructions will be sent to you. 

    Church Zip -- Enter the Zipcode of your church.

    Thrivent Member -- (Yes/No)

    Reunion Group -- Decide among yourselves on a name or location identifier for your Reunion Group.

    Reunion Zip -- What is the Zipcode of where your Reunion Group usually meets?


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